Our team of professionals will take care of all of this for you with No Out of Pocket Expense. We don't get paid until you do!!!
If this office is calling you, ANSWER!!!! We are not bill collectors, We are not debt collectors, We have nothing but good news!!!! You have money coming!!! There are numerous reasons why people have money sitting in the court register The most common are 1 Class action law suits 2 Bankruptcy either yours or someone you did business with 3 Foreclosures 4 Estates yes you could be a only surviving bloodline to a millionaire with no heirs. it happens more often than you can imagine The point is call us money that rightfully belongs too you!!!!
If you know the person we are talking about like maybe your X or a old roommate or even neighbor at one time and can’t stand anymore. We apologize the way the data searchers work your number may gotten associated with them. Give us Call we will make sure you get a very nice reward for putting us in contact with them.